
Stay update to date with new features, fixes and improvements to WP Abstracts Pro.

Release 2.7.1 – 09-23-2024

  • Fix – Resolved issue where abstract reviewers were getting duplicated email reminders.
  • Fix – Restrict reviewers from seeing submission attachments if bling reviews are enabled.
  • Fix – Resolved minimum topic count error when delete topics.
  • Improvement – Added registration email notifications to maillog.
  • Improvement – Added input sanitization on form builder inputs for user registration and profile updates.
  • Improvement – Removed the restriction on simultaneous access to admin and frontend dashboard.
  • Security – Resolved insufficient input sanitization on reset password page.
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 6.6.2

Release 2.7.0 – 02-20-2024

  • Feature – Added option to generate Abstract book from bulk actions
  • Feature – Add ability to toggle user role (author / reviewer) from Manage Users screen
  • Feature – Added ability to set a page and countdown to redirect users after registration
  • Feature – Added admin email and template for new user registration
  • Fix – Resolved hidden author and presenter sections when reviewers are editing their own submission and blind reviews are enabled
  • Fix – Fix account activation link in new user confirmation email
  • Fix – Resolved insufficient input sanitization on reset password page
  • Fix – Resolved incompatible archive error when installing on WordPress >= 6.4.3
  • Improvement – Separated topics into its own area under Events -> Topics
  • Improvement – Added improved email validation
  • Improvement – Updated user exports to use enabled admin columns
  • Improvement – Add assigned items count to reviewers on Manage Users
  • Improvement – Show the count of assigned items when assigning a submission to a reviewer
  • Improvement – Enabled multiple select on user registration form
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 6.4.3

Release 2.6.1 – 02-10-2023

  • Fix – Resolved reviews not showing dashboard
  • Improvement – Added improved filter to user lookup for user sync when using multisite implementation
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 6.1.1

Release 2.6.0 – 01-17-2023

  • Feature – Added ability to customize reviews admin columns
  • Fix – Resolved missing submissions on dashboard when using shortcode without event_id ([wpabstracts])
  • Improvement – Allow authors to edit submission across multiple statuses
  • Improvement – Added ability to remove header/footer in PDF exports
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 6.1.1

Release 2.5.0 – 08-20-2022

  • Feature – Added auto-reminder email trigger and template for reviewers
  • Feature – Added email log tab under emails to show all emails sent by the plugin
  • Fix – Event specific dashboard now correctly filters by specified event identifier
  • Fix – Remove HTML tags from description column in csv exports
  • Improvement – Added author and presenter shortcode to email templates
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 6.0.1

Release 2.4.0 – 05-18-2022

  • Feature – Added shortcode to display accepted submissions publicly
  • Feature – Added ability to customize info included in PDF exports
  • Improvement – Updated missing language translations
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.9.3

Release 2.3.1 – 12-15-2021

  • Fix – Excluded archived events submissions from assigned abstract on reviewer dashboard
  • Fix – Updated missing language translations
  • Fix – Resolved errors when activating plugin on PHP8
  • Fix – Resolved reviewers not seeing the updated attachments
  • Fix – Resolved issues where custom titles were not updating
  • Fix – Added fallback for missing fonts on PDF exports
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.8.2

Release 2.3.0 – 03-12-2020

  • Feature – Added ability to include submission PDF to email notifications
  • Feature – Added ability to trigger email when a reviewer submits a review
  • Feature – Added ability export reports by event
  • Feature – Added ability to ignore user activation at login (when users are registered outside WP Abstracts)
  • Feature – Added ability to make attachments required or optional
  • Fix – Excluded archived events from csv exports
  • Fix – Corrected bug allowing reviewers to edit reviews by other reviewers
  • Fix – Corrected sql typo causing email templates not to display
  • Improvement – Added Portuguese (Portugal) translation (Thanks to Diogo Alves)
  • Improvement – Added check for GD library before using allowing Captcha
  • Improvement – Added sorting to reviewer dropdown when assigning reviewers
  • Improvement – Added event, topic and user info to review exports
  • Improvement – Added natural sort to ID column on admin Abstracts table
  • Improvement – Updated PDF generator (mPDF) to v8.0.x (Requires PHP >=5.6)
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.3.2

Release 2.2.2 – 07-15-2019

  • Fix – Corrected review attachment visibility for authors
  • Fix – Stripped slashes from abstract titles on dashboard
  • Improvement – Added new page include filters and custom titles
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.2.2

Release 2.2.1 – 06-27-2019

  • Fix – Corrected typo that broke redirect on login
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.2.2

Release 2.2.0 – 06-26-2019

  • Feature – Added the ability to limit the amount of submissions per user
  • Feature – Added the ability for reviewers to attach a document to a review
  • Feature – Added the ability to set a default status for new submissions
  • Feature – Added read-only mode for submissions when not editable
  • Improvement – Added email validation on author and presenter emails
  • Improvement – Make user id and user email mandatory when exporting users
  • Improvement – Added {REVIEW_COMMENTS} to list of email shortcodes
  • Improvement – Added event and topic to reviews tab
  • Improvement – Added more customizable titles to settings->titles
  • Improvement – Now sending status update email on reviews if “Sync Review Status to Abstracts” is enabled
  • Improvement – Added visibility flag on reviews to determine if review is visible to the author
  • Improvement – Added modified date to abstracts and reviews
  • Improvement – Moved Abstract settings to nested tab and added ability to customize abstract admin columns
  • Improvement – Added ability to combine first and last name as display name when syncing to WordPress profile
  • Fix – Corrected faulty login redirect when there are multiple event shortcodes
  • Fix – Stop admin abstracts revisions from updating the original abstract submission date
  • Fix – Corrected faulty user profile deletions that included deleted profiles in user exports
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.2.2

Release 2.1.0 – 02-08-2019

  • Feature – Added captcha on registration form
  • Fix – Corrected Internet Explorer issues with registration, submission and editing user profiles
  • Fix – Corrected misleading error message when signing in with invalid captcha code
  • Fix – Corrected possible server 500 error when bulk downloading attachments
  • Improvement – Added Dutch (Netherlands) translation (Thanks to Bas van den Oever)
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.0.3

Release 2.0.1 – 01-03-2019

  • Fix – Corrected permissions error when reviewers attempt to edit or delete a review
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.0.2

Release 2.0.0 – 12-27-2018

  • Feature – Added the ability to sync form builder fields to wordpress user profile
  • Feature – Added the ability to customize login, dashboard and submission headers, titles, labels and messages
  • Feature – Added the ability to allow edits on a particular status
  • Feature – Added ability to auto activate user on registration
  • Feature – Added the ability select events while submitting abstracts (also backward compatible)
  • Feature – Added the ability to archive events
  • Feature – Added customizable emails to admins, authors and assigned reviewers when submissions are revised
  • Fix – Removed buggy checkbox and radio group from form builder (use select instead)
  • Fix – Corrected validation error when saving abstracts with show description disabled
  • Fix – Automatically remove columns from user table when form field is deleted
  • Improvement – Deleting events now deletes submissions, reviews and attachment linked to that event
  • Improvement – Added {ABSTRACT_KEYWORDS}, {ABSTRACT_TOPIC}, {SUBMITTER_NAME} and {SUBMITTER_EMAIL} shortcodes to email templates
  • Improvement – Added ability to reset attachment input file (not replace) while submitting abstracts
  • Improvement – Disable accesiblity to /?task=register is user can register is not enabled
  • Improvement – Added subject line with shortcodes to registration email
  • Improvement – Added stronger permissions checks to frontend dashboard when managing items
  • Improvement – Added keywords to exports
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 5.0.2

Release 1.9.0 – 09-15-2018

  • Feature – Added multisite compatibility
  • Feature – Added advanced interaction controls (type-ahead and all column search, filters, quicker pagination and more) to all tables
  • Feature – Added ability to bulk assign reviewers to selected abstracts
  • Feature – Added ability to bulk download selected attachments
  • Feature – Added ability to select which admin account(s) receives admin notifications
  • Improvement – Added ability to include email shortcodes in email subject
  • Improvement – Added search, sorting and pagination to frontend author / reviewer dashboards
  • Improvement – Added event and topic columns and filters to attachments tab
  • Improvement – Included type requested and topic in frontend reviewer dashboard
  • Improvement – Updated form validation to avoid theme conflicts
  • Improvement – Disabled WordPress edit page link from WP Abstracts Dashboard
  • Improvement – Updated and improved the word counter
  • Improvement – Added reviewer names and emails to csv exports
  • Compatibility testing with WP 4.9.8

Release 1.8.2 – 07-26-2018

  • Fix – Corrected bug where Event showed “Error: This event was removed” when editing Abstracts
  • Fix – Removed parameter missing warning message when users are activating accounts
  • Compatibility testing with WP 4.9.7

Release 1.8.1 – 07-24-2018

  • Feature – Added ability for admins to manually activate users.
  • Fix – Corrected error when exporting users
  • Fix – Woocommerce users with an added subscriber role can now see the “New Abstract” button
  • Fix – Corrected warning message and bug in user exports
  • Improvement – Added ability to restore user registration form-builder default inputs
  • Improvement – Added date field to user registration form-builder input group
  • Improvement – Added better UX for word counter
  • Improvement – Insisted User Id column and desc order in user exports
  • Compatibility testing with WP 4.9.7

Release 1.8.0 – 07-04-2018

  • Feature – Added the ability to create unlimited statuses for Abstracts and Reviews
  • Feature – Create unlimited email templates to map to submission triggers, status changes and reviewer related events
  • Feature – Implemented shortcode for registration form. Use [wpabstracts_register] show the registration form
  • Feature – Implemented shortcode for login form. Use [wpabstracts_login] show the login form
  • Feature – Added the ability to add multiple presenters
  • Fix – Corrected issue where users intermittently displays under user tab
  • Fix – Corrected user form builder display issue when special characters are present in the form
  • Fix – Corrected forms validation issues (events, abstracts and reviews) when other inputs are present on the page
  • Fix – Corrected typo in Shortcode copy to clipboard
  • Improvement – Removed special jQuery dependency from formbuilder
  • Improvement – Migrated Email related settings to Email Tab
  • Improvement – Added and improved help text on multiple screen
  • Compatibility testing with WP 4.9.6

Release 1.7.0 – 04-30-2018

  • Feature – Optional customizable user registration using form builder
  • Feature – Enable or disable forced redirection to author dashboard after login
  • Fix – Corrected pagination bug when filtering by presenter preference and performing actions
  • Improvement – Review reports now exports status description
  • Improvement – System will authenticate reviewers even if the user has multiple roles including editor
  • Improvement – Added event shortcode to events screen for copying to clipboard
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.9.5

Release 1.6.1 – 01-24-2018

  • Feature – Added Spanish (Chile) translation (Thanks to Cristian Nova Castillo)
  • Fix – Corrected issue that affected listings on plugin page and plugin details modal
  • Improvement – Login now checks for the presence of the subscriber or editor role
  • Improvement – Adjusted file extension validation to be more inclusive
  • Improvement – Added keywords to abstract info on review screens
  • Improvement – Added filters to email template shortcodes
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.9.2

Release 1.6.0 – 01-04-2018

  • Feature – Added ability to assign unlimited reviewers to abstracts
  • Fix – Corrected issue that affected uploading large attachments
  • Improvement – Validation, error messaging and performance improvements for attachment uploads
  • Improvement – Added ability for users to remove and add new attachments while editing abstracts
  • Improvement – Implemented license validation for automatic updates
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.9.1

Release 1.5.1 – 10-27-2017

  • Feature – Added Spanish (Argentina) translation (Thanks to Veronica Gomez)
  • Fix – Preserve abstract ownership when “reviewer can edit” is enabled and reviewer edits the submission
  • Fix – Show correct list of users when managing ownership and “reviewer can submit” is enabled
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.8.2

Release 1.5.0 – 09-30-2017

  • Feature – Enable / disable admin email notifications when reviews are submitted
  • Feature – Added new email template for admin notifications when reviews are submitted
  • Feature – Added a new abstract status and the ability to customize status descriptions
  • Feature – Added a new email template for ‘Under Review’ status
  • Feature – Added filter by presenter preference to abstracts list table
  • Feature – Added presenter preference to abstract / review Sync setting
  • Feature – Added author and user to abstract search fields
  • Feature – Added “keywords” and “affiliations” to PDF exports
  • Feature – Added Brazilian translation (Thanks to Gabriel Vieira)
  • Feature – Added German translation (Thanks to Wolfgang Saus)
  • Fix – Remove author and presenter fields when blind review is enabled
  • Fix – Upgraded PDF exporter for PHP7+ compatibility
  • Removed – Removed the Summary Tab (Summary can be obtained from Reports tab)
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.8.2

Release 1.4.0 – 06-10-2017

  • Feature – Added optional security captcha to login
  • Feature – Added the ability use the ‘add media’ option on the text editor
  • Feature – Media/images can now be included in exported PDFs
  • Improvement – Implemented login using AJAX (apart of roadmap for future development)
  • Improvement – Topics can now accepts commas
  • Fix – Resolved intermittent error when exporting PDFs on PHP7
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.8

Release 1.3.0 – 03/26/2017

  • Feature – Added the ability to turn off abstract description field
  • Improvement – Facelift the login form and added Lost Password link
  • Fix – Remove back slash from abstract title when apostrophes are used.
  • Fix – Resolved issue with word count.
  • Fix – Resolved issue where review submission sometimes failed
  • Fix – Resolved sorting by topics error
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.7.3

Release 1.2.0 – 04/30/2016

  • Feature – Added the ability to turn off author fields
  • Feature – Added user’s name to the csv abstracts exports under reports
  • Feature – Added status filter and search to Abstracts
  • Feature – Added user role/type filter and search to Users
  • Feature – Added ability to create and export a zip of all attachments
  • Feature – Added search option for attachment tab
  • Feature – Added abstract and attachment IDs to attachment tab
  • Feature – Added presenter preference {PRESENTER_PREF} to the list of shortcodes for email templates
  • Feature – Added optional author email alerts on reviewer comments
  • Feature – Added optional keywords field to submission page and setting option
  • Feature – Added optional terms & conditions to submission page and setting option
  • Feature – Added optional setting to hide reviewer comments
  • Feature – Added optional setting to sync reviewer status choice to abstracts
  • Fix – Corrected email templates from being reset when plugin is re-activated
  • Fix – Corrected email template id when bulk action is used to Accept submissions
  • Fix – Corrected broken reviewer assignments when assigning additional reviewers to submission
  • Fix – Corrected broken attachment download issue on author’s dashboard
  • Fix – Corrected glitch in changing topics while editing abstracts
  • Fix – Corrected event deadline to correctly compare current date and event deadline irrespective of the current wordpress datetime format
  • Fix – Corrected unwanted slashes in text editor when apostrophes are used.
  • Improvement – Included more wordpress filters for admin tabs, header, pages and frontend dashboard, get and edit views.
  • Improvement – Event is now automatically selected/set based on event ID from shortcode on the dashboard
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.5.1

Release 1.1.3 – 12/20/2015

  • Feature – Added auto-updater to allow future updates from wordpress plugin’s page
  • Feature – Added presenter preference and abstract Id shortcode for automated emails
  • Feature – Added setting to allow reviewers to be authors
  • Feature – Added the ability to turn off presenter preference
  • Feature – Added the ability to change abstract status back to pending
  • Feature – Added filter to reviewer list to exclude already assigned reviewers
  • Fix – Block reviewers from being assigned their own abstracts
  • Fix – Disallow direct downloading for abstracts, attachments and reports (security fix)
  • Fix – Removed passed events from the drop down for new submissions
  • Fix – Correct date on exported PDFs
  • Fix – Correct remaining attachments allowed while in editing abstracts
  • Fix – Correct pagination results on abstracts and attachment tabs
  • Fix – Show admin bar issue
  • Tweak – Optimized abstracts and attachments tabs to handle large amounts of submissions
  • Tweak – Minor revamping of the admin panel
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.4

Release 1.1.2 – 06/07/2015

  • Feature – Added email templates for status change – accepted and rejected
  • Feature – Added the ability to turn off attachment completely
  • Feature – Added the ability to unassign a reviewer
  • Fix – Exporting file name issue under Reports
  • Fix – Minor JS bug affecting abstracts submission
  • Fix – Author affiliations input field limitation issue

Release 1.1.1 – 03/13/2015

  • Fix – Language and localization bug
  • Fix – Enabling blind review displayed author’s name on reviewer’s dashboard
  • Fix – Author instructions not saving
  • Fix – Auto-update error on WP plugin page
  • Fix – Reviewer submission setting affected author’s dashboard

Release 1.1 – 3/3/2015

  • Enhancement – Completely new Responsive front-end dashboard
  • Feature – Added Attachments Tab for fast and easier access to uploaded attachments
  • Feature – Added Ability to customize outgoing emails
  • Feature – Added submission deadline on events / conferences
  • Feature – Added Automatic Updates. Update to the latest version just like you would with other plugins
  • Feature – Added support for multiple events or conferences. Include the event ID in the shortcode E.g.[wpabstracts event_id=2]
  • Feature – Added option (under setting tab) to disable reviewer abstract editing privileges
  • Feature – Added option (under setting tab) to disable reviewer abstract submission privileges
  • Feature – Merged Author and Reviewers login area (now one dashboard login but backward compatible)
  • Tweak – Redesigned the user’s manager area
  • Tweak – Partial transition to jQuery
  • Tweak – Minor admin area JS and CSS tweak
  • Compatibility testing up to WP 4.1

Release 1.0.4 – 08/15/2014

  • Feature – Added limit for attachment uploads per submission
  • Feature – Added customizable instruction text for authors
  • Feature – Authors can now delete abstracts if still in pending mode
  • Feature – Ability to customize presenter preferences
  • Fix – Front-end HTML rendering issues on some templates (a work in progress)
  • Fix – Content sanitization issue while saving abstract description
  • Fix – Character count now changed to word count and rectified
  • Fix – Date error/warning while adding reviews
  • Fix – Only related topics are loaded on event change when editing abstracts
  • Tweak – Author’s name now accepts commas
  • Tweak – Added event name on abstracts listing
  • Tweak – Added submissions count to events listing
  • Tweak – Proper chart labeling of y-axe under reports
  • Compatibility testing with WP 3.9.2

Release 1.0.3 – 05/15/2014

  • Feature – Added language support (Thanks to Stergatou Eleni, CTI, Greece)
  • Feature – Added Greek translation (Again thanks to Stergatou Eleni)
  • Feature – Ability for blind reviews
  • Fix – Topics are now displayed to the reviewers in IE.
  • Fix – Abstract sorting error on reviews tab
  • Fix – PHP short tags
  • Fix – WP debug notices
  • Tweak – Added get_option(‘date_format’) . ‘ ‘ . get_option(‘time_format’) for abstracts display in admin pages
  • Tweak – Simplified shortcode to [wpabstracts] (backward compatibility kept)
  • Tweak – Added flick as jquery ui css theme
  • Tweak – Added Abstract ID column on Reviews tab
  • Tweak – Migrated HTML to separate location
  • Tweak – Partial transition from Javascript to jQuery
  • Compatibility testing with WP 3.9.1

Release 1.0.2 – 03/15/2014

  • Feature – Reports tab with graphs and csv exports
  • Feature – Download Abstracts as PDF
  • Feature – Ability to add up to 3 reviewers
  • Feature – Setting to turn off ‘change ownership’ on submissions
  • Feature – Added Author Affiliation to submissions
  • Fix – Better HTML formatting abstracts description
  • Fix – Restrict removal of all authors
  • Fix – Error when email reviewer on assignment is enabled
  • Tweak – Added tooltips on settings page
  • Tweak – Partial transition from Javascript to jQuery

Release 1.0.1 – 02/15/2014

  • Feature – Option to manage attachments from the edit screen.
  • Feature – Option to assign abstracts to existing users (change ownership).
  • Feature – Option for reviewers to submit abstracts
  • Feature – New column to show attachment count on submissions
  • Fix – possible “header() already sent” error while downloading attachments
  • Fix – bug on summary page where abstracts displayed wrong title
  • Tweak – Minor JS and CSS tweak

Release 1.0 – 01/15/2014

  • Initial Release